Friday, May 22, 2015


Mama had this record. Whole thing's great, but I particularly like the part
with the Leslie'd organ and what I believe is choked-pick percussion git.

•   National Review's John Miller is again pimping Liberty Island, the website whose politically-driven belles-lettres we've examined before, so I figured I'd have a look. Among recent offerings is the winner of its recent Memorial Day writing contest, a story called Bait, in which he-men with Marine training use a sissy Hollywood actor to break up a super-sophisticated dogfighting ring, and then see to it that the sissy gets beat up because he's a sissy. The author demonstrates a great deal of knowledge about armaments, and sympathy for dogs if not Hollywood sissies; if you're going to be cruel at Liberty Island, it pays to be sentimental, too. Fave line: "Hell, there was even the rock god my kid sister had worshipped in high school [at the dogfight]. I guess meat was only murder sometimes." Picture Morrissey crying "ten thousand quid on the pitbull with the faraway eyes." Also in rotation: "WILL YOU SURVIVE IF (WHEN?) THE POWER GRID GOES DOWN?" which I think is sponsored content but with this bunch you never know. Oh, and an announcement for a new Book of the Year contest, sponsored by the Conservative-Libertarian Fiction Alliance, for people who like their art-product vetted by ideologues.

•   Elizabeth Warren says "the game is rigged" and she's right, says National Review's Jim Geraghty, "but she’s off-base in her assessment of how it’s rigged" -- it's you liberals and your so-called "education" that rigged it! Geraghty points to an article in The Economist called “America’s new aristocracy: Education and the inheritance of privilege," and tells us,
...the liberal-dominated world of higher education has turned itself into the exorbitantly expensive entry gate to the middle class, setting aside quite a few slots for the offspring of current elites.
Wait a minute -- colleges are expensive, and the children of the rich get unfair advantages in them? This is brand new! Thanks, Obama! Wait, it gets worse: Geraghty says the article also tells us firms, investment banks, and consulting firms tend to hire applicants from well-known universities who were already “culturally similar” to the institution. “Employers sought candidates who were not only competent but also culturally similar to themselves in terms of leisure pursuits, experiences, and self-presentation styles. Concerns about shared culture were highly salient to employers and often outweighed concerns about absolute productivity.” In other words, if you don’t remind the elite employer making the hiring decision of himself, you’re less likely to be hired for the big job.
It sounds as if Obama has changed human nature itself! In the old days, you could just search the candidate's chest for the right class pin or school tie; now I suppose you have check out his "self-presentation style" -- to see if it's liberal! Next Geraghty will read somewhere and rush back to tell us that under Obama rich people eat fancy food while ordinary Americans eat sammiches. This could break the election wide open for whichever rich theocrat the GOP nominates!

•   I'm tired of doing all the hard work around here, so I'll just point out that in this Michael Brendan Dougherty column the job of proving, or even making an argument, that letting all kinds of people (including gays and singles) have babies will lead the disaster is entirely left to the framing device, which talks about an abandoned baby left in a bag -- another thing that never happened before Obama! -- and then shock-cuts to the tale of a child-support suit against a sperm donor and proceeds to other such curiosities, none of which, so far as the column tells, are related to the abandoned baby except in that abandoned babies are bad and these things near it are, in Dougherty's view, also bad. I knew these guys were feeble in the logic department, but couldn't they take a weekend course and learn something about metaphors at least?


  1. ohsopolite3:11 PM

    I would totally get out of the boat and go peruse but I haven't yet completed my Evelyn Wood Skreed Reading Course.

  2. sharculese3:13 PM

    The image of Morrissey hypocritically frequenting underground dogfighting clubs is so bizarre and specific the only plausible explanations are all psycho-sexual.

    But then again so is the characterization of the dude who wrote "Cemetry Gates" as a 'rock god.'

  3. PersonaAuGratin3:20 PM

    Next Geraghty will read somewhere and rush back to tell us that under Obama rich people eat fancy food...

    "The Dijon Presidency."

  4. sharculese3:22 PM

    " In other words, if you don’t remind the elite employer making the hiring decision of himself, you’re less likely to be hired for the big job."

    In conclusion, please repeal all non-discrimination laws, which are stifling America's economy.

  5. Downpup E3:25 PM

    Has Geraghty planned ahead for when Jeb gets nominated, or does he just wing it & count on short memories? His straining to avoid bad words (Bush, class, inequality) suggests a certain level of awareness of weakness.

  6. Picture Morrissey crying "ten thousand quid on the pitbull with the faraway eyes."Roy Edroso for God-Emperor of Earth.

  7. Ellis_Weiner3:32 PM

    To sum up: Liberal universities are raising tuition, using market forces to defeat conservatism, and favoring legacy applicants, which is anathema to conservatives. And why? In order to further the liberal domination of law firms, investment banks, and consulting firms, whose fealty to the Democrats has persisted for centuries.

    You know you're Somewhere in Downtown Wingnuttia when even the intelligent people are stupid.

  8. Mark Lungo3:39 PM

    Better yet, imagine him singing it!

    But seriously, this is a weird insult even by rightblogger standards. Morrissey is painfully sincere on animal rights, and there has NEVER been any indication otherwise.

  9. methinks this is sort of the point---say, if someone as unimpeachable as josh duggar can't be sincere in his godly breeding, then morrissey must be a fraud too.

  10. Wait a minute -- colleges are expensive, and the children of the rich get unfair advantages in them? This is brand new!No, what's new is that it's apparently the children of liberals who get unfair advantages in them, irrespective of wealth. Because otherwise, being rich would be bad.

    (Which reminds me, I need to inform that one state college professor in elementary education of my acquaintance that she is part of the gatekeeping elite. Maybe she can get a bigger apartment out of it.)

    This could break the election wide open for whichever rich theocrat the GOP nominates!Hey, remember how Ted "Married to a Wall Street Investment Banker" Cruz made some statements attacking increasing inequality in Obama's America? It sounds like Santorum and Huckabee are both toying with that line of attack, too. Of course, the standard GOP strategy for dealing with it consists of (1) tax cuts for the rich; (2) hating on homos; (3) blaming lazy Negroes; (4) blaming diseased illegals; (5) slashing the social safety net; (6) busting what few labor unions remain; (7) eliminating the working class's access to effective family planning; and (8) more tax cuts for the rich. Is Geraghty demanding a massive increase in funding for Pell Grants? Is he insisting that all those Republican state legislatures that have gutted the budget for state colleges put the money back in? Like hell he is. Pro tip, guys: It's harder to understand your impassioned appeals about growing inequality when you're mumbling it around some reactionary billionaire's dick.

  11. edroso and yeats are on your side

  12. favoring legacy applicants, which is anathema to conservatives.God and Man at Yale, by Saul Alinsky.

  13. StringOnAStick3:51 PM

    Remember, creating the one true Free Market Paradise(tm) via steps 1-8 will solve all problems, including that of expensive college tuition. Didn't you get the memo?

  14. Chris Anderson3:53 PM

    super-sophisticated dogfighting ring

    ironic hipster cargo cult
    postmodernist queer-smearing crew
    Luddite Pedophiles' Letterpress & Lithography Werks
    Secret Effete Gay Deathmatch Club
    Neo-Pastoralist Thuggee Revival Troupe

  15. Oh God, that short story. You know, there are any number of parts you could mock: The truly atrocious attempts at hard-boiled dialogue ("Hell was made of gleaming steel"), the hilariously conspicuous attempts at being trendy ("Campion looked at his watch, an analog device instead of his wearable" - the Apple watch, amirite?), the ancient cliché of the clueless actor who confuses his roles with actual experience ("You win these kind of buckles at the rodeo, like I did in Buck"), the fact that the one black character has a fucking many points of entry.
    But I'm in a different place right now. I'm currently up to eighty-goddamn-eight rejections of my latest manuscript, and as a result all I can see is what would have gotten this thing shot down if it were submitted to a legit journal instead of a wingnut welfare sinecure. And here it is: The POV changes completely after a few hundred words. Most of the story is first-person, but early on there's a scene that the protagonist isn't there to see, so we just hop out of his head and do third-person for a few hundred words before switching back for the rest of the story. That's not how it works! One of the restrictions of writing in first-person - one a good writer embraces - is that the reader only sees what the POV character(s) sees. If that's not going to work, you go with a different POV. Any competent editor would pick that out on the first pass!
    And another thing - this story has a shitload of characters in it. I wouldn't even notice, except I once had a manuscript rejected because the agent insisted it had "too many characters" and was confusing. Now granted, after reading Three Kingdoms and tracing the careers of a few hundred Chinese generals across dozens of years and thousands of pages, "too many characters" and "confusing" mean different things to me than they do to normal people. Even so, I don't feel that the nineteen named characters in that book - most of them ancillary characters only present for a few chapters each - were excessive. This story has eight named characters (nine with the nameless POV character) and is less than a tenth of the length of that novel. Fuck me.
    This comment was entirely too long, but apparently I'm good at bitter, overlong invective. Does anyone pay for that?

  16. In other words, if you don’t remind the elite employer making the hiring decision of himself, you’re less likely to be hired for the big job.

  17. I'm sure the wing nuts are also continuing on working on making college tuition cheaper by making it more expensive, because you know, it's always Opposite Day.

  18. Humph. Typical liberal elite cemetery gatekeeper.

  19. I fucking hate to do this but -

    Can anyone spare a few quatloos for a loan? I mentioned a thread or so back that Mom's Social Security check got nom-nommed by the bank; problem is we're (big surprise) dead broke again and don't have food for us or the dogs until June.

    I fucking hate this. I'll pay you guys back, somehow, I fucking swear.

  20. Mark Lungo4:09 PM

    And don't forget that paragon of family values, Bill O'Reilly.

  21. Have you looked into blogging?

  22. pere is there a crisis line where you're at? a lot of times there's municipal agencies that can help out with cash.

    i'm eyeing custodial jobs to help shore up the funds here at the lab, otherwise i'd throw some your way

  23. BTW - Hey, Miller? Want to know how to survive when the shit you assholes have been setting up for so long finally hits the fan?

    Well, I'd let you in on some pertinent details of survival, but, y'know what? I'm way ahead of all you NRO douchebags, and that means I'm going to be living in your goddamn mansions after I eat your livers. So keep up the cute cluelessness, eh?

  24. Even the social assistance agencies are telling us they can't help. And the goddamn food pantry and pet food assistance places won't return my calls, not that you're supposed to need aid on a long weekend evidently.

  25. salvagesalvage4:22 PM


    Of course! I have a big pile of Glenn Beck approved gold.

  26. churches?

  27. gocart mozart4:29 PM

    "In other words, if you don’t remind the elite employer making the hiring decision of himself, you’re less likely to be hired for the big job"

    Fucking Libtard Fraternities !

  28. Churches don't seem to be open outside business hours.

  29. . . . I once had a manuscript rejected because the agent insisted it had "too many characters" and was confusing.

    Yes, all the best-selling works these days only have a couple of characters--maybe as many as three--for the reader to keep track of. George R.R. Martin comes to mind as someone who's mastered the few-character work.

    I feel your pain. Dealing with agents and publishers is an extraordinarily painful process. Nothing compares with having some 23-year-old communications major sitting across the desk from you asking you to explain your work in terms of some other completely unrelated pop-culture thing. "So, your book about how unscrupulous dog breeders are degenerating the Labrador retriever--how is it compared to Shades of Grey?"

  30. Thin strips of objectivist jerky?

  31. gocart mozart4:51 PM

    Try switching the POV to third person in the second paragraph and then switch back to first for the ending. Also, we find that our readers enjoy anecdotes about liberal hypocrisy that aren't really hypocrisy to anyone other than our readers. A slam at Obama or Hillary is always welcome. Pro tip: mentioning Benghazi counts as a twofor. Keep trying.

    Wingnut Welfare, Inc.

  32. RogerAiles4:54 PM

    "And I'm the only illegitimate child out there."

    You're truly a special snowflake, Beardy.

    Now proofread your shit before you post it.

  33. That "thinly veiled Morrissey at the dogfight" bit is precious- if you can't find liberal hypocrisy, just make some up.

    Also, isn't it always southern GOPers who want to make animal fights legal? Does the author think that liberals were okay with Michael Vick because he was a ni-CLANG! ?

  34. Can you give me a Paypal #?

  35. When you name your highly celebrated, much-loved football team "Gamecocks", it's kind of a frigging giveaway on your position on animal abuse.

  36. They require numbers, now? is what I've been using.

  37. Dairy is sexual harassment.

  38. This is all about ethics in milk-sucking.

  39. gocart mozart5:05 PM

    (9) Repeal Dodd/Frank and the Community Reinvestment Act.*

    * Remember when your mom telling you not to do something made you want to do it more? It's like that with banks too.

  40. And me with my still-suit in the dry cleaners!

  41. Can you get mail addressed to General Delivery?

  42. Fuck that, when Black Friday comes, the cats and I are doing Objectivist Steaks.

  43. gocart mozart5:07 PM

    "Rules for Aristocrats"

  44. All cleaners on Arrakis are dry!

    Alternate take- Gotta look good for Shai-Hulud!

  45. I have a bitcoin on a memory stick. Come! Let us barter for women and batteries!

  46. You mean to tell me the rich have unfair advantages?

    Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.

  47. susanoftexas5:10 PM

    And Baby Marie, to be sure, was perfectly free herself, sitting in that shopping bag: free from the authority of tradition that put parents and their children in the same home; free from the taboos that held families together; free to be abused by strangers; and free to die alone in a world that doesn't really care either way.
    Free to be born in a Magdalene laundry and die alone, buried with the rest in the yard. Or free by the authority of tradition to be abused by priests. Or free to give up your right to privacy and autonomy only because you are Baby Marie and not Baby Michael.

  48. Helmut Monotreme5:11 PM

    Is right wing fiction so hard to find? Or are it's devotees weary of reading Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler and their imitators? Aren't they ideological enough? Is there too much God is the 'Left Behind' series and not enough hippy bashing either? You'd think if there were a big audience for this stuff, Vox Day wouldn't be editing at a no - name vanity press out of Finland. Or is it just that this site is getting content for close to free by running a contest?

  49. When Black Friday Comes . . .

  50. Chris Anderson5:12 PM

    Fred Mason, P.I. shifted gingerly in his comfiest armchair. It had been damn hard getting ahold of one of the super-secret invitations. Powwow among the Pines: Wildean Snuff Playwrights' Retreat 2015, it read. Now he could attend, but what if he had to "blend in" before busting it up? He couldn't very well go in with pistols blazing--the wily-yet-earnest perverts would scatter to the four winds, or (worse yet) overbear him by sheer mincing numbers and give him a starring role in the annual production. This was gonna be a tricky job.

  51. When you get the batteries, you get the power, and when you get the power, you get the women!

  52. I have a bootleg PDF of The Fountainhead. What's that worth?

  53. I KNEW you guys would get the reference! :-)

  54. susanoftexas5:14 PM

    When you get the batteries you don't need the men.

  55. "Mommy's toys are also named 'Buzz' and 'Woody' and they need batteries too, dear."

  56. Now I'm flashing back to the "Grappling, Pummeling, and Overbearing" rules from AD&D, curse you.

  57. When I was younger, I decided against being a priest because I wanted my weekends free. Nice to know they changed that.

  58. Helmut Monotreme5:20 PM

    As he adjusted the bodice of his drag ensemble, taking care to conceal the pistol in it's special place among the pearls, Fred Mason aka "Letha Weapons" thought to himself: "This bust is going to be fabulous"

  59. Can't be that tough to find when the most recent Hugo Awards had a big steaming load dumped all over them because the mil-SF fappery wasn't getting the adoration the wing nuts thought it should.

  60. I understand now Marge, a mountain of sugar is too much for one man. That's why God portions it out in those tiny packets, and why he lives on a plantation in Hawaii.

  61. What, they're complaining about the limitless freedom America provides to die in a gutter, even if you're an infant?

    Lee Greenwood will NOT be pleased.

  62. Dunno, but I've been using my sister's address; drop me an email at if you'd need it.

  63. Chris Anderson5:27 PM

    You'll recall the "Against the Giants" modules, then. I read somewhere that one meany D.M. just had the giants use those wrasslin' rules. They couldn't lose that way.

  64. Um.

    You fucking ROCK. :) Thanks! (And the dogs thank you!)

  65. Alas, if only you had the hard copy, for toilet paper has become precious to my people!

  66. I never used 'em; I always just paged past in silent awe.

  67. Wait, that would mean something Rand wrote was actually useful.

    Truly the End Times are upon us!

  68. Now I want to write a novel with a negative number of characters.

  69. Chris Anderson5:44 PM

    I'm not even sure Gygax used them. He later supplied a simpler set of G/P/O rules in Unearthed Arcana.

    Back then you could never assume that one task or activity would be (officially) adjudicated much like another. There were no core mechanics to speak of.

  70. tigrismus5:49 PM

    the liberal-dominated world of higher education

    Damn, he doesn't even link as weak evidence the one or two polls that found professors lean slightly left, never mind explain why those findings would automatically extend to administration or admissions staff. Pitiful.

  71. Chris Anderson5:51 PM

    You could do zero characters, but you'd have to carefully avoid anthropomorphizing the different types of inorganic matter. And no metaphors or similes likening that stuff to beings. No active voice whatsoever.

  72. Uphill, both ways, through the driving snow and we LIKED it that way!

  73. tigrismus5:53 PM

    I dunno if I'll be ready, but I bookmarked the article!

  74. Does Pantload hire out his interns? I think they'd have a special perspective on avoiding things.

  75. Jay B.6:03 PM

    law firms, investment banks, and consulting firms tend to hire applicants from well-known universities who were already “culturally similar” to the institution. “Employers sought candidates who were not only competent but also culturally similar to themselves in terms of leisure pursuits, experiences, and self-presentation styles. Concerns about shared culture were highly salient to employers and often outweighed concerns about absolute productivity.” In other words, if you don’t remind the elite employer making the hiring decision of himself, you’re less likely to be hired for the big job.

    WHAT?! Next you'll be telling me government needs to take some affirmative steps to diversify the stultifying homogeneous institutions, an action that will help ameliorate the bias found in hiring.

  76. Jay B.6:09 PM

    Punch, punch, punch.

  77. Rugosa6:25 PM

    I couldn't get too far into the Dougherty article. This brought me to a halt: If you think it is an outrage that some responsibility for the child
    should be assigned to its biological father, you likely fall on the side
    of the age . . . of the contractual
    family, one appointed by authorities.

    You know who else is "outrage[d] that some responsibility for the child
    should be assigned to its biological father"? Men's rights activists.

  78. M. Krebs6:36 PM

    Well, Johnny Marr is pretty much that.

  79. Megalon6:37 PM

    What!? How dare you insinuate that he didn't get everything he has through pure merit! I mean just look at that intellectual facial hair! Plus he's a talking head on the T.V. so of course he's a Very Serious Person with Very Serious credentials.

  80. "Yeah, I know that conservative darling and anti-gay moral scold Josh Duggar is an incestuous child molester, and that his parents knew about his crimes, but this ridiculous caricature of a guy who was popular among college lefties thirty years ago proves that liberals are the real hypocrites!"

  81. johnny fuckin marr

  82. Smurch6:53 PM

    "...when even the intelligent people..."

    Objection: assumes facts not in evidence.

  83. He's a floor wax and a dessert topping! (Ideally, a dessert topping that is burnt off before serving.)

  84. So Obama is trying to pass the TPP with most of the GOP and a few sellout Dems, and it's the fault of them pointy-headed liberals?

    Of course!

  85. Something something unlikely cockfight enthusiastsSpeaking of that Michigan pastor ...

  86. Smurch6:57 PM

    Man.... tough room!

  87. Is there too much God is the 'Left Behind' series and not enough hippy bashing either?No, and no.

  88. an abandoned baby left in a bag -- another thing that never happened before Obama!Of course not. Back in the day, babies were abandoned in baskets. Sturdy baskets, crafted by good Christian workmen with callused hands and a full array of manly power tools. A blanket would be tucked in the basket, still stained by the tears of the single mother who was forced to carry the unwanted pregnancy to term, just as a merciful God intended. Now, babies are abandoned in bags. Handbags, no doubt: soft, floppy, and effeminate -- just like liberal men. And instead of a blanket, the wee bairn is cushioned with pages from The New Yorker. Thanks, Obama!

  89. Jay B.7:08 PM

    It's so so so fucking stupid. He's actually arguing that Warren doesn't even get this. Which, of course, she does and has fought for. It's just really bizarre when they lose even strawman arguments.

  90. Speaking of whom:

    A few corporate whore Dems side with Obama and the GOP again.

  91. it aint worth shit but your travails have stuck out for me, and i hope you manage to get some relief soon.

  92. M. Krebs7:27 PM

    I believe this is called for.

  93. M. Krebs7:32 PM


  94. tigrismus7:32 PM

  95. Ellis_Weiner7:44 PM

    The way this laid out on the screen, it was like one of those whacky Mad Fold-Ins coming together. Ni-i-i-i-ce...

  96. Chris Anderson7:45 PM

    Mason may have "gone native"

  97. LittlePig7:55 PM


  98. LittlePig7:56 PM

    Gotta look good for Shai-Hulud!


  99. LittlePig7:57 PM

    That's what dexes do best!

  100. Barbarism begins in the dog fighting ring.

  101. in this Michael Brendan Dougherty column
    the job of proving, or even making an argument, that letting all kinds
    of people (including gays and singles) have babies will lead the
    disaster is entirely left to the framing device, which talks about an
    abandoned baby left in a bag -- another thing that never happened
    before Obama! -- and then shock-cuts to the tale of a child-support
    suit against a sperm donor and proceeds to other such curiosities...

    It's like this. There's a baby in a bag. And sperm comes from testicles which are also called nut sacks. Sack = Bag. Also, a sperm donor who has to pay child support would be left holding the bag. Or his sack. I forget. But something something family values I'm sorry I'll start again.

  102. I think the real explanation was that I had written: a) a young adult novel that b) had multiple POVs, a combination that terrifies agents. While there are plenty of contemporary novels out there that feature clashing POVs, I think there's an assumption among some that teenagers are too dumb to grasp anything more complex than "Wish fulfillment protagonist wins the day." It wasn't even a really complex story, either, it's just that there was a lot to show off that the main protagonist wasn't there to witness. Also, I thought it would be fun to do a little Rashomon and show how different people interpret the same basic set of facts, but I guess that's too complex for the stupid teens.

  103. Atrios9:18 PM

    in fairness oscar wilde invented the whole baby in a bag thing and we know what sort of person he was

  104. "a three-volume
    novel of more than usually revolting sentimentality"

    Thus Politico.

  105. Tehanu9:34 PM

    Isn't that "Rules for 'The Aristocrats!' " ??

  106. coozledad9:43 PM

    Perhaps the last of cosmopolitan country:

  107. coozledad9:56 PM

    Lev Trotsky repeats as farts.

  108. Megalon10:12 PM

    Jonah Goldberg always occurs, as it were, twice: the first time as burping, the second as farts.

  109. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person10:19 PM

    I have much booze, and firearms with which to protect it. There'll be barterin', oh, yeah, but your bitcoin won't buy you a half pint of J W Dant....

  110. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person10:31 PM

    Change the breed, and re-title it Shades of Greyhound. Guaranteed winner...

  111. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person10:32 PM

    "Once upon a time, events occurred..."

  112. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person10:36 PM

    The title escapes me, but I know I've seen that successfully done. Elmore Leonard maybe? He'd change the writing style to fit the character from page to page, something I don't think I've seen anyone else do, and I thought it worked. Switching from 1st to 3rd and back seems like something he'd do.

  113. If teens can understand politics in post-apocalyptic Britain, and sympathize with a ruthless, rudderless prince, they can probably deal with differing points of view.

  114. We played the hell out of this album back in the day. Gotta love the Jazz Butcher.

  115. mgmonklewis11:19 PM

    Jesus, Dex, you can't just spring that on us without warning. The part of me that didn't instantly die inside wanted to punch my screen repeatedly, forever.

  116. mgmonklewis11:25 PM

    So. Many. Bonus. Points.

    Such is the vital importance of being Earnest.

  117. mgmonklewis11:28 PM

    Cheeto brulée?

  118. Ellis_Weiner11:28 PM

    Really? The master of minimal rigor? Oy. I just read The Finkler Question by Howard Jacobson (Mann-Booker; funny and smart) and got upset when he wobbled on p.o.v. slightly. Leonard won't let a person use any verb but "said." I can't believe he'd get cute in first/third person.

  119. mgmonklewis11:29 PM

    My Man Godfrey was actually a tragedy. Who knew?

  120. Ellis_Weiner11:30 PM

    Keep going. A fairy tale as told in plausibly deniable press secretary-speak.

  121. mgmonklewis11:31 PM

    I, for one, welcome our Edrosoan overlord.

    I'd like to remind him that we can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in his underground sugar-caves.

  122. YNWA4051511:32 PM

    Compadres! It is imperative that we crush the freedom fighters before the start of the rainy season! And remember, a shiny new donkey for whomever brings me the head of Colonel Montoya!

  123. YNWA4051511:34 PM


  124. Ellis_Weiner11:35 PM

    I'm half aware of the Sad Puppies furor re the Hugos. Some internecine squabble about right-wing crankies seeking to stifle progressive (i.e., probably, sexually alternative) voices. Viz.,

    But never mind. I've had two...well, tonics. It's 8:30 here and the Mrs. and I are starting on Broadchurch. Finally. Hasta manana, bitchez.

  125. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person12:06 AM

    Ain't n drag...

  126. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person12:14 AM

    the job of proving, or even making an entirely left to the framing device

    Probably why you bailed on this one. When they do this, they're at least being honest (sort of), but not very funny. I mean, when they got nuthin', neither do we...

  127. AGoodQuestion12:14 AM

    The opening of that "Bait" story...

    "You're never going to get away with this!" Billy Gold yelled.

    Yeah, he actually said that. Hollywood's biggest action star and that's the best he can rattle off when he gets kidnapped. me thinking about the Turkey City Lexicon...

    You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit

    An attempt to defuse the reader’s incredulity with a pre-emptive strike — as if by anticipating the reader’s objections, the author had somehow answered them. “I would never have believed it, if I hadn’t seen it myself!” “It was one of those amazing coincidences that can only take place in real life!” “It’s a one-in-a-million chance, but it’s so crazy it just might work!” Surprisingly common, especially in SF. (Attr. John Kessel)

    Don't know why.

  128. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person12:17 AM

    Also Tucker Carlson, and we got him on tape in no uncertain words...

  129. AGoodQuestion12:23 AM

    I never knew reading nothing could take so long, or at least feel like it does.

  130. AGoodQuestion12:28 AM

    My favorite version of The Aristocrats is the one where Linda Tripp makes sure the cumstained dress doesn't get drycleaned. What do you call this act?

  131. Have some LOBSTER, and give some to the doggies, too!

  132. montag212:40 AM

    "... apparently I'm good at bitter, overlong invective. Does anyone pay for that?"

    Hey, Hearst paid Westbrook Pegler to do it for decades... until Pegler began to direct it at Hearst.

  133. montag212:42 AM

    Since characters are supposed to be imaginary (except in Mary McCarthy novels), maybe you'd better concentrate on imaginary numbers.

  134. montag21:11 AM

    American conservatives have been aping the British aristocracy ever since the ink was still wet on the Declaration of Independence, but this old school tie business is a liberal phenomenon? Pul-leeeze.

  135. BadExampleMan1:42 AM

    "Outrage" isn't the right word; Tucker's published attitude is more like "I gave you my spunk, that's more than enough. Now leave Daddy alone, he's admiring Josh Duggar."

    The breakdown of the white conservative douchebag family structure is indeed a tragedy.

  136. BadExampleMan1:46 AM

    The whole thing was started by a name you'll find familiar, a Mister Vox Day - who became only the second person ever expelled from the Science Fiction Writers of America trade group after he used his official communication channel to call an award-winning female POC writer "subhuman".

  137. AGoodQuestion1:47 AM

    Either that or they couldn't resist such a catchy slogan as "Come see our 'cocks play hard."

  138. AGoodQuestion1:57 AM

    Yes, otherwise known as Theodore Beale, who struck a blow for independent thought by having his followers vote exactly the way he told them to.

  139. AGoodQuestion2:03 AM

    I assume their wine cellars are well stocked with Chianti?

  140. AGoodQuestion2:06 AM

    I approve and counterprogram!

  141. BadExampleMan2:16 AM

    I prefer the soubriquet "Sexist Racist Homophobic Douchebag" that John Scalzi hung on him to thwart his ego-googling.

  142. Socialist Cubone6:11 AM

    It's a testament to how out of touch these people are that they have to make up a lie to make Morrissey look like an asshole.

  143. Or maybe just too complex for the agent/publisher's assistant with whom you were dealing.

    It is a wonder to me that anything of quality ever gets published, considering the gatekeepers most writers end up dealing with. And that certainly explains the HUGE volume of pointless semi-literate garbage that does get published.

  144. I give this comment 2 Liv-A-Snaps up!

  145. Jaime Oria6:49 AM

    I believe the AV Club kidz who want to sound all TV writers room insider call this "hang(ing) a lampshade on it" ?

  146. I think this is partly a variation on Cleek's Law. The average citizen despises those who rise based on birthright, connections, cronyism, and other non-merit mechanisms. And rightly so, because most people work very hard and get nowhere.

    Yet, conservatism in general--and Republicans in particular--promote, protect, and thrive under that system of unmerited success. Everyone from Jonah the Fail to George W. Bush to Lil Rand Paul getting where they are not because of anything they ever did beyond being born, and then using their unearned positions to piss upon the great masses as being undeserving moochers.

    Because most people despise that, it now MUST be cast as a liberal phenomenon. Look for columns coming soon from Jonah and Kristol and Podoretz decrying the culture of insiderism and legacy-hire that so degrades America's can-do up-by-the-bootstraps nature.

  147. Is there a human being anywhere who would willingly (or even unconsciously) identify with Jonah? The guy's an animated advertisement for cowardice, stupidity, poor taste, laziness, and uncomprehending credulity.

  148. And isn't it always GOPers who are ranting on and on about how bestiality is apparently an irresistible urge that only the laws of God and man prevent?

  149. This deserves so much more than a mere upvote. I raise my harpy beak and ululate in its general direction.

  150. redoubtagain11:09 AM

    ein Gesicht, das sich durch eine Backstein weint--A face that cries out for a brick

  151. LA Julian11:20 AM

    It can be done effectively -- you simply have to signal when you're changing, by a break of some sort, or even an internal cue. P. G. Wodehouse used to do that in the non-Jeeves stories, frequently, as the story changed focus from one protagonist or antagonist to another.

    But obviously this is too much of an effort for the Liberty Islanders.

  152. LA Julian11:26 AM

    Cussler is downright multicultural these days, as are most of his imitators. While the main star is always an Action Man, they are full of ensemble casts who get their own side quests, ethnically diverse and full of warrior women or geek girls, participating in the adventures as equals.

    It's a sad thing for them, to be sure, when they can't even guarantee that retro pulp adventure novels are sufficiently pure and free of late 20th century egalitarian idealism.

  153. LA Julian11:27 AM

    They've taken over the WIRE magazine comments, apparently, going by the review of Tomorrowland...

  154. Chris Anderson11:32 AM

    I read somewhere that Mrs. George Washington had wooden dildos.

  155. This formula works for pretty much everything conservative.

    "Sure, conservatives trying to keep Black people from voting is just like the old Jim Crow days, but Liberals trying to help Blacks get into college is the real racism!"

    "Conservatives trying to craft laws that allow government to dictate a person's sexual practices seems like over-reach, but liberals attempting to provide clean drinkable water is the real tyranny!"

    "Yes, conservatives trying to get Web sites shut down seems contrary to free speech, but liberals disagreeing with us is the REAL suppression of free speech!"

  156. "The Arrogance of Arugula" (oops, already had that one IRL)

  157. "Nixon had a dog named Checkers, that died.
    Lincoln played checkers and had a horse that died!
    More than coincidence?"

  158. M. Krebs3:48 PM

    That would be a good title for a book about sex with strangers on a cross-country bus trip.

  159. Well, I'd be willing to identify with the "money for nothing" part, if it were available.


  161. Hmmmm.....

  162. I'm hard-pressed, though, to think of the literary equivalent of the square root of -1. We're approaching Ayn Rand territory here.

    If you're looking for the mathematical equivalent of Ayn Rand's writing, consider Pi. It's an irrational number that continues endlessly, and many people memorize big chunks of it in an effort to prove something.

  163. I'll just leave this here . . .

  164. willf5:49 PM

    "...starting on Broadchurch"

    Aka "The Worst Detectives in Britain".

  165. Jay B.5:54 PM

    German is such a beautiful language.

  166. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person6:37 PM

    Oh, that would be grimm...

  167. Meanie-meanie, tickle a person6:50 PM

    In music, ala Frank Zappa, it's "Putting the eyebrows on it", which I think refers to a pair of Groucho glasses.

  168. Fats Durston7:50 PM

    Why? I heard George had like thirty goddamn dicks.

  169. The doughpants always burps twice.

  170. Is a shart inorganic matter?

  171. Chris Anderson10:21 PM

    Teeth. He had thirty teeth. Wooden ones.

  172. Chris Anderson10:22 PM

    Yes, but write as if it just came into being.

  173. billcinsd10:28 PM

    Wait, I thought the way we used to abandon kids was in a caulked wicker basket and then floated them down a river into some reeds

  174. billcinsd10:37 PM

    What kind of DM needed core mechanics. Ya just made 'em up and tried to be fair. Adjudication was a team effort

  175. It's hard work reading nothing because you never know when you're done.

  176. Back in the day, babies were abandoned in baskets. Sturdy baskets, crafted by good Christian workmen with callused hands and a full array of manly power tools.

    Yeah, tell this to Moses' mother.

  177. That was back in her salad days.

  178. Chris Anderson8:25 AM

    Some of you are thinking that the wooden teeth are mythical. How, then, to account for the bite marks on all those dildos? I can't see President Washington gumming the finish off a drawerful of "Old Hickories." It's absurd. Occam's Razor and all that.

  179. Oh, you goddamn KNOW they love the ability to yell about "COCKS!" in public and not get in trouble for it. Strikes me as kind of TEH GHEY, but what the hell do I know.

    Bart: Well, that's what we learned about. I sure as hell can't tell you we learned about hell unless I say "hell," can I?
    Homer: Eh, The lad has a point.

  180. Are we ever going to get tired of GamerGate references? I DON'T THINK SO.

  181. Well, if it's big enough, why not hang a lampshade there?

  182. Rik: "Phew! Talk about Oscar Wilde!"

  183. the wee bairns are cushioned with pages from The New Yorker

    Well, at least that way they can read the cartoons and be glad they'll never grow up to understand them.

  184. True story - at the McDonald's Dad & I were at Friday (nuthin' but goormet eatin' for my pa!) in the Men's Room there was a set of Hollywood-promotion type pictures - Buster Crabbe as Flash Gordon, an autographed pic of Patrick Stewart, a picture of Kirk & Spock... and Abbott & Costello.

    Anyone have any clue on the thinking behind this?

  185. Politely (or even not) suggesting to a bigot that he not spout his bigotry in public is JUST TOTALLY LIKE Stalnism.

  186. Tobacco, ammo, scotch, chocolate and some kind of opiate.

  187. Not asking HOW they got that donkey so shiny.

  188. Washington had MANLY GOD-FEARING FOUNDER gums.

  189. Lettuce drop the subject....

  190. True asemic writing occurs when the creator of the asemic piece cannot read their own asemic writing.


  191. I don't even think JONAH identifies with Jonah.

    If I was his DNA I'd just pack up and disappear in the night.

  192. Make sure to take plenty of taxis, and attend all the liberal dinner parties you're invited to.

  193. Moses' basket was crafted by Christian workmen, too. Just ask a fundamentalist Protestant.

  194. So, um - wingnuts believe that men should have veto powers over women's reproduction, but once the lil' dear is out, it's all Mommy's problem, eh?

  195. Jaime Oria3:38 PM

    Space adventurers all!



    (This has been another episode of, "Simple Answers to Wacky Questions.")
